Tag Archive for: Reciprocal

What are the motivations, program support, and personal growth that occur within cross-racial mentoring relationships with Black youth?

Jones, K., Parra-Cardona, R., Sánchez, B., Vohra-Gupta, S., & Franklin, C. (2023). Motivations, program support, and personal growth: Mentors perspectives on the reciprocal benefits of cross-racial mentoring relationships with Black youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 106996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106996 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest: Although Black youths are the most significant demographic of young people who receive […]

Who gets mentored? Reflections on a new national survey

By Jean Rhodes MENTOR: National Mentoring Partnership recently released the results of an impressive new survey of the childhood mentoring experience of 2,639 adults. It’s a long report– 63 page, 7 Table, 44 figures–so I thought I’d provide a summary and analysis. This is by no means comprehensive. The focus is largely on the prevalence […]

New study explores the relationship between positive relationships and adolescent well-being across cultures

Chue, K. L., & Yeo, A. (2022). Exploring associations of positive relationships and adolescent well-being across cultures. Youth & Society, 0044118X221109305.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X221109305 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  The well-being of adolescents is a continuous subject of interest for policy-makers and stakeholders since adolescence is an opportunity for intervention before adulthood. Understanding the factors […]

Fostering Positive Youth-Adult Relationships: My Experience in an Outdoor Education Environment

By Tiffany Ross, Reprinted from YouthREX YouthREX collaborated with students at Brock University reflecting on their placements involving child and youth work. In this reflection, a student shares her knowledge of how to build stronger relationships with youth in our communities, and discusses the unique challenges and lessons she learned while working with youth. Read […]

[Webinar] Developing a Mentoring Mindset: Critical Strategies to Support Every Child

By EmbraceRace Caregivers, educators, coaches, extended family members and other adults in young people’s lives have opportunities to have meaningful conversations with young people every day – conversations that can help young people process their emotions, understand their experiences and the world around them, receive validation and perspective, build a sense of identity, and connect […]

Using mentorships to promote agency and a sense of belonging among asylum seekers

Amitay, G. (2022). From helpless rage to loving resistance: Resistance to othering and practices of agency in mentoring children of asylum seekers in Israel. Child & Youth Care Forum, 51(4), 705–727. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10566-021-09649-7 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  More than 30,000 African refugees and asylum seekers (AS) live in Israel. AS in Israel endure restrictive […]

Beyond academics: How after-school programs play an essential role on youth development & learning

Philp, K. (2022). More than homework help: The critical role of afterschool programs for youth learning and development. Theory Into Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2022.2107344 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  Despite the growing popularity of after-school programs (APS) in America, their impact and funding are still controversial. This journal article reviews findings about after-school programs to highlight […]

Creating safe spaces for youth boys of color through mentoring relationships

Sánchez, B., Pinkston, K. D., Cooper, A. C., Luna, C., & Wyatt, S. T. (2018). One falls, we all fall: How boys of color develop close peer mentoring relationships. Applied Developmental Science, 22(1), 14–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2016.1208092 Summarized by Maggie Bayly Notes of Interest Mentoring relationship quality – more specifically, relationship closeness – is linked to positive […]

Supporting student success through joint decision-making in schools

Lyons, M. D., Edwards, K. D., & Fallavollita, W. L. (2021). Promoting mentoring relationships through joint decisions: Evidence from a national mentoring program. School Psychology, 36(4), 214–223. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000440 Summarized by Maggie Bayly Notes of Interest: A strong mentor-mentee relationship is established through a personal and emotional connection with a nonfamilial adult. The quality of the […]

How to Give Back to Your Mentor

By Joshua Bowen and Chaveso Cook, Reprinted from the Harvard Business Review During a recent phone call, a long-distance mentee asked one of us a familiar question: “Josh, how do I make our relationship more reciprocal? I feel like you’ve helped so much with my career, but I have nothing to offer in return.” We’ve […]