Tag Archive for: Mentor Benefits

On the Olympics, the presidential race, and the enduring influence of athletic coaches

By Jean Rhodes Athletic coaches are having a moment. There were heartwarming dispatches from the Olympics, including the role that Penn State Coach Randy Jepson played in the ascendance of pummel horse star, Stephen Nedoroscik. As one of Coach Jepson’s athletes said, “Randy Jepson truly felt like a second dad. He had a way about […]

Professor Janelle S. Peifer discusses her new study on the impact of mentor cultural empathy on the mentoring relationship

The Chronicle is delighted to highlight an exciting new study by Professor Janelle S. Peifer and her colleagues. Dr. Janelle S. Peifer is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Richmond. Her research examines college student development with a focus on questions of identity, intercultural competence, and mental health with a focus on […]

How Storytelling Can Strengthen Bonds Between Mentors and Mentees

Cruz, J., Goff, M. H., & Marsh, J. P. (2020). Building the mentoring relationship: Humanism and the importance of storytelling between mentor and mentee. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 28(2), 104-125. https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2020.1749344 Summary This study of mentoring for high school seniors explored a “humanistic mentoring” approach that emphasized reciprocity, mutuality, and empathy in the […]

Profiles in Mentoring: Professor Kristian Jones discusses his new study on mentoring Black youth

The Chronicle is delighted to highlight the wonderful new study by Professor Kristian Jones and his colleagues. Professor Jones is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Washington. His research examines how youth mentoring promotes the positive outcomes for Black youth, prevent detrimental outcomes, and promote social justice. Jones, […]

New study explores the reciprocal benefits of cross-racial mentoring relationships

  Jones, K., Parra-Cardona, R., Sánchez, B., Vohra-Gupta, S., & Franklin, C. (2023). Motivations, program support, and personal growth: Mentors perspectives on the reciprocal benefits of cross-racial mentoring relationships with black youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 150, 106996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106996 There is a lack of research on how mentors’ motivations, personal experiences, and support from the […]

Providing Critical and Intense Mentoring Resources for Vulnerable Middle School Youth: Toward an Effective and Holistic Mentoring Framework

Submitted March, 2024 by: Karen Miner Romanoff, JD, PhD, Board Co-President, The Arthur Project Jessica Greenawalt, LCSW, PhD, Executive Director, The Arthur Project As we continue to work to provide essential resources for our most vulnerable youth, mentoring programs have grown as one potential solution. The research explaining which aspects of mentoring are most important […]

The Crucial Role of Family and Social Networks in Cross-Racial Mentoring with Black Youth

Reference: Jones, K., Parra-Cardona, R., Sánchez, B., Vohra-Gupta, S., & Franklin, C. (2023). Forming an alliance: mentor’s perspectives on the role of family and social networks in cross-racial mentoring relationships with Black youth. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Summarized by Ellen Parry Luff About the Study: As community-based mentoring (CBM) programs […]

At the Heart of Mentorship, a Q&A with Dr. Hilary Dutton

Dr. Hilary Dutton is a Pākehā/Māori (Ngāti Tūwharetoa) youth development researcher at the University of Canterbury. Her research focuses on the relational processes that contribute to developing high quality mentoring relationships, particularly self-disclosure. In 2021 she was awarded a Rutherford Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship to undertake a two-year project exploring youth perspectives on disclosure in youth-adult […]

New study explores the reciprocal benefits of therapeutic mentoring

Deane, K. L., Bullen, P., Williamson‐Dean, R., & Wilder, K. (2023). The benefits of participating in a culturally translated youth mentoring program and service‐learning experience for Aotearoa New Zealand mentors. Journal of Community Psychology.  Summarized by Saniya Soni About this Study While a large portion of youth mentoring research focuses mainly on the outcomes for […]

Two research-based strategies for building strong connections

Jean Rhodes Building strong, enduring mentoring relationships depends on many factors, including empathy, proximity, and shared interest.  But here are two  research-based tips that might be helpful to mentors. Reciprocal self-disclosure A new study from the University of Michigan highlights the value of reciprocal self-disclosure in building connections with others. The researchers conducted several studies, […]