Psychologists call for a paradigm shift in mental health: Implications for mentoring programs
In a recent article in American Psychologist, Dodge et al. (2024)…
Mentors can be just as effective as professionals: Here’s how
By Jean Rhodes
Decades of research…
A conversation (and important announcement) about mentoring and mental health
by Jean Rhodes
A growing number of youth who are referred…
Can mentors guide digital mental health intervention users?: Systematic review has answers
Reference: Leung, C., Pei, J., Hudec, K., Shams, F., Munthali,…
Can mentors be trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy? New evaluation has answers
By Jean Rhodes
Decades of…
Integrating digital interventions with clinical practice in youth mental health services
Cross, S. P., Nicholas, J., Bell, I. H., Mangelsdorf, S.,…
Motivational interviewing: What is it and how can it improve mentoring?
By Jean Rhodes
In a recent review, Hart, McQuillin,…
Digital Mental Health Use and the Role of Paraprofessionals: A Conversation with Dr. Bethany Teachman
Interviewed By Megyn Jasman
Q: Dr. Teachman, you have been…
New “mega-analysis” points to valuable role for mentors: Practicing skills with mentees
Christensen, K. M., Assink, M., van Dam, L., Stams, G.-J.,…
New review discusses how paraprofessional providers can expand school-based motivational interviewing
Hart, M. J., McQuillin, S. D., Iachini, A., Weist, M. D.,…