Tag Archive for: Gender

In This Together: New Study Highlights Peer Connections as a Pathway to Belongingness in Youth Mentoring

Boat, A. A., Hsieh, D., & Wu, C.-Y. (2024). Bidirectional pathways between relationships and sense of belonging in a program for youth living in low-income households. Children and Youth Services Review. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107797 Introduction Positive Youth Development (PYD) programs focus on promoting youths’ strengths through supportive relational contexts. However, the specific impacts of […]

Does youth mentoring have a ripple effect on family functioning and well-being? Dr. Gizem Erdem shares new findings

The Chronicle is delighted to highlight an exciting new study led by Dr. Gizem Erdem. PhD, I-LMFT, Associate Professor of Psychology, Koç University in Turkey Megyn Jasman interviewed Dr. Erdem to learn more about the key points of the study, which showed that mentoring programs benefit parents as well as children. Q: The study identifies a […]

It’s Goal Time: New Study Highlights Youth Perceptions of Natural Mentors

Brumovska, T. J. (2024). Characteristics of identified natural mentors in the experiences and perceptions of early-and-middle-aged adolescent youth: Implications for formal youth mentoring practice. Children and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107765 Introduction Natural mentors, unlike formal mentors, are identified organically within youths’ social networks and play a crucial role in their socio-emotional and cognitive development. Brumovska […]

All you need is “deep level” similarity: Predictors of quality mentoring matches

By Jean Rhodes Conventional wisdom has long emphasized the importance of matching mentors and mentees based on surface-level characteristics like gender, race, and ethnicity. The assumption has been that sharing these demographic similarities would lead to more comfort, understanding, and ultimately, higher quality mentoring. Yet a growing body of research is challenging this view and […]

Effectiveness of a school-based group mentoring program promoting students’ engagement, self-regulation, and goal setting

Martins, J., Rosário, P., Cunha, J., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo, G., & Moreira, T. (2024). How to help students in their transition to middle school? Effectiveness of a school-based group mentoring program promoting students’ engagement, self-regulation, and goal setting. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 76, 102230. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2023.102230 Overview The transition from elementary to middle school represents a […]

New Study Explores Effects of Ethnic-Racial (Mis)Match on Relationship Strength

Koide et al. (2024). Ethnic-Racial (Mis)Match between Mentors and Mentees on Perceived Strength of Relationship, Education Sciences DO – 10.3390/educsci14040398 Background The quality of the mentoring relationship is considered a crucial determinant of these positive outcomes, with high-quality relationships linked to longer match durations and better youth outcomes. One factor hypothesized to influence the development […]

Mentor helping up a mentee. Mentoring, youth mentoring. Helping hand.

New study shows how social capital can promote college achievement

Oyefuga, E., & Shakeshaft, C. (2023). Social capital and the higher education academic achievement: Using cross-classified multilevel models to understanding the impact of society on educational outcomes. Youth & Society, 55(1), 163–183. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X211042912 Summarized by Megyn Jasman and Ariel Ervin  Notes of Interest:  Social capital refers to an individual’s network of relationships and how they, in turn, […]

Natural mentors can buffer the effects of racial discrimination on African American youth

  Editor’s Note: . This study suggests that both parents and mentors can play an important role in attenuating some of the negative effects and keeping young people focused on school.  Cooper, M. S., Brown, C., Metzger, I., Clinton, Y., & Guthrie, B., (2022). Racial discrimination and African American adolescent’s adjustment: Gender variation in family […]

What enhancements increase adherence in self-guided, web-based interventions? New study provides insights

Moskowitz, J. T., Addington, E. L., Shiu, E., Bassett, S. M., Schuette, S., Kwok, I., Freedman, M.E., Leykin, Y., Saslow, L. R., Cohn, M. A., & Cheung, E. O. (2023). Facilitator Contact, Discussion Boards, and Virtual Badges as Adherence Enhancements to a Web-Based, Self-guided, Positive Psychological Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical […]

New study explores mentoring in LGBTQ foster youth

Paul, J. C., & Cruys, C. (2024). “We should be treated like we are somebody”: Building supportive relationships with LGBTQ foster youth. Family Relations. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.13020 Summarized by Megyn Jasman  Introduction: This study explored the experiences and mentoring relationships of LGTBQ foster youth. In particular, it studied how youth’s disclosure of their sexual orientation and gender […]