Youth-Initiated Mentoring for Juvenile Offenders: New Protocol Highlights Importance and Implementation Strategies
Boering, A., Groenman, A. P., van Dam, L., & Overbeek, G.…
Study shows that mentoring programs can help reduce juvenile offending and antisocial behavior.
Farrington, D. P., Gaffney, H., & White, H. (2022). Effectiveness…
New commentary reevaluates the effectiveness of mentoring in reducing juvenile criminal recidivism
DuBois, D. L. (2022). Reconsidering the effectiveness of…
Expert David DuBois Describes the Promise of Mentoring Programs for Delinquency Prevention
To realize the full potential of youth mentoring programs,…
NPR: Thoughts on mentoring needs from youths in the juvenile justice system
Written by Cheryl Corley, NPR
In Chicago, where the number…
The novel approach: Combining literature and mentoring to support juvenile offenders
Seroczynski, A., Evans, W., Jobst, A., Horvath, L. & Carozza,…