How help-seeking interventions can close the achievement gap
Parnes, M. F., Kanchewa, S. S., Marks, A. K., & Schwartz,…
If You Build It They Might Come: New Study Examines Motivation as a Consideration when Developing Virtual Mentoring Programs
Hennig, F., Wesche, J. S., Handke, L., & Kerschreiter, R.…
What’s in it for me/you?: New study explores how motives shape mentoring
Liu, Y., Abi Aad, A., Maalouf, J., & Abou Hamdan, O. (2021).…
How to Mentor More People — and Not Get Burned Out
By Kavitha Ranganathan and Michael Englesbe, Reprinted from…
Unlocking Potential: Navigating Youth Mentoring through Participatory Research on Social Capital
Reference: Radlick, R. L., & Przedpelska, S. (2024).…
Coaching in the Modern Era: Examining the Training of Coaches Providing Digital Guided Self Help for Mental Health Concerns.
Reference: Fitzsimmons-Craft, E. E., Rojas, E., Topooco, N.,…
Group Mentoring Supplement to the Elements of Effective Practice for Mentoring™
By MENTOR, Reprinted from the Introduction (“Tips for Using…
Navigating Sociopolitical Stress in Informal Mentorships: Insights for Educators and Youth Workers
Reference: Davis, A.L., Yazdani, N., Kornbluh, M., &…
How To Find A Mentor As A College Student Or Recent Grad
By Tracy Brower, PhD, Reprinted from Forbes
If you want…
In a crisis, schools are 100,000 mental health staff short
The demand for aid radically exceeds the supply of help. Providers…