Tag Archive for: Reciprocal

New study identifies predictors of youth mentorship termination

Lyons, M. D., & Edwards, K. D. (2022). Strategies for monitoring mentoring relationship quality to predict early program dropout. American Journal of Community Psychology.  https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12585 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest: Despite the popularity of mentoring in America, many studies on these interventions have small to moderate effect sizes. Assessment data have the potential […]

What a mentoring agreement? And how can it help?

Setting up an agreement that covers how a mentor and mentee will work together can help both get the most out of their collaboration. By Amie Weinberg, Reprinted from Edutopia The value of the mentor-mentee relationship, and how it benefits both parties, is indisputable. But what’s the best way to begin this partnership? Having some […]

Migchiel Van Diggelen: Defining quality in mentoring, supporting the practitioners’ perspective

By Migchiel Van Diggelen, Reprinted from Mentoring Europe How do mentoring practitioners and researchers define quality in mentoring? When it comes to the mentoring field, there is no doubt that quality and evaluation is important. Defining quality is instrumental in setting quality guidelines, identifying the impacts of these mentoring programmes and improving these mentoring services. […]

Profiles in Mentoring: Ariana Rivens discusses new study on intergenerational disclosure

Ariana J. Rivens is a clinical psychology doctoral student in the University of Virginia Graduate Schoolof Arts and Sciences under the mentorship of Dr. Noelle Hurd Rivens, A. J., Billingsley, J. T., & Hurd, N. M. (2021). Understanding Factors Associated With Intimate Disclosure Between Black Youth and Nonparental Familial Adults. Journal of  Research on Adolescence. https://doi.org/10.1111/jora.12682 Reposted […]

Share Your Experience and I’ll Lend You My Ear: Study Shows how Older Adults Benefit from Mentoring

Summarized Jean Rhodes The rewards that mentors receive are rarely considered in stories on mentoring. Instead, the process tends to be conveyed in terms of the adult selflessly giving to the mentee in a selfless, one-sided relationship. It would be a mistake, however, to assume that the mentor gets relatively little from the relationship. In […]

What makes a mentoring relationship strong? New study has answers!

Goldner, L., & Ben-Eliyahu, A. (2021). Unpacking Community-Based Youth Mentoring Relationships: An Integrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5666. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115666 Summarized by Ariel Ervin  Notes of Interest:  Although formal community-based mentoring (CBM) is a popular way to advocate for positive development and health, it’s still unclear as to which factors and processes […]

3 Interactions With a Mentor Can Help a Student Graduate. Here’s How.

By Goldie Blumenstyk Produced by Carmen Mendoza Reprinted from the Chronicle of Higher Education Following is a transcript of the conversation. “College to most students is that experience. It’s stepping onto a campus, feeling like a stranger in a strange land. And there’s so much that can be accomplished in college when someone has the […]

Neighborhood risk and perceived interpersonal support predicts parents’ sense of community

Burcher, S. A., Weiler, L. M., Keyzers, A., & Cavell, T. A. (2021). Neighborhood Risk and Interpersonal Support as Predictors of Parents’ Sense of Community. Journal of Child and Family Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-01957-9 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  Although parents’ sense of community (SOC) can positively impact their children’s (and family’s) well-being, neighborhood risk can […]

Having a Mentor With the Same Disability Is Important, Young People and Research Agree

Madeline Delp, at an event in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina in 2017, is mentoring a 15-year-old interested in competing in pageants as Delp has. By Lisa A. Goldstein, Reprinted from Youth Today Hannah Weitzman is almost 10 and the only kid with hearing loss in her neighborhood in Chappaqua, New York. When her family still lived […]

How do natural mentors support diverse college students’ critical consciousness?

Monjaras‐Gaytan, L. Y., Sánchez, B., Anderson, A. J., Garcia‐Murillo, Y., McGarity‐Palmer, R., Reyes, W. de los, Catlett, B. S., & Liao, C. L. (2021). Act, Talk, Reflect, Then Act: The Role of Natural Mentors in The Critical Consciousness of Ethnically/Racially Diverse College Students. American Journal of Community Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12517 Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  Although youth have […]