Tag Archive for: Goal Setting

2024 Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring

The 15th annual Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring will be held in-person at Portland State University July 22-25, 2024. The upcoming Summer Institute will address the intentional focus of activities within the mentoring relationship. Sessions with leading scholars will explore how the choice of activities is influenced by needs, goals, and attitudes at the participant […]

A strong signal in a noisy world: Implications of a remarkably consistent finding in mentoring research

Jean Rhodes Study after study has shown that mentees experience more benefits when they are paired with mentors who had experience in helping roles (e.g., teachers, counselors, or social workers) as opposed to mentors with no such experience. In a large study, researchers a mentor’s helping background was a significant moderator of program effects, improving […]

What are Therapists’ Attitudes Towards the Use of AI in Therapy?: Implications for Mentoring

                Prescott, J., & Hanley, T. (2023). Therapists’ attitudes towards the use of AI in therapeutic practice: considering the therapeutic alliance. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 27(2), 177-185. https://doi.org/10.1108/MHSI-02-2023-0020 The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in mental health and other services has been a topic of growing interest […]

Implementing program practices contributes to stronger youth mentoring relationships: Insights from Dr. Thomas E. Keller

A recent study led by mentoring researcher Dr. Thomas E. Keller suggests that implementing program practices contributes to stronger youth mentoring relationships. Megyn Jasman talked with Dr. Keller to learn more about these findings and direct implications for youth mentoring programs. Q: The mentor-staff working alliance appears to play a critical role in explaining the […]

Child Trends: Five ways trauma-informed care supports children’s development

Child Trends Contributors: Jessica Dym Bartlett, Kristin Anderson Moore, April Wilson, and Zakia Redd Childhood trauma is common. More than two thirds of children in the United States experience a traumatic event or circumstances—such as abuse or neglect, death of a loved one, or community violence—by the time they turn 16. Young children (birth to […]

What enhancements increase adherence in self-guided, web-based interventions? New study provides insights

Moskowitz, J. T., Addington, E. L., Shiu, E., Bassett, S. M., Schuette, S., Kwok, I., Freedman, M.E., Leykin, Y., Saslow, L. R., Cohn, M. A., & Cheung, E. O. (2023). Facilitator Contact, Discussion Boards, and Virtual Badges as Adherence Enhancements to a Web-Based, Self-guided, Positive Psychological Intervention for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical […]

Mentor in the loop–Is there a role for AI in mentoring relationships?

By Jean Rhodes In recent years, my colleagues and I have been exploring how web and mobile platforms can enhance mentoring programs—–not replacing face-to-face connections, but enabling efficient between meeting communication and collaboration. Such platforms also allow mentors and programs to share resources, deliver personalized feedback, and track mentees’ progress.  They are also extremely well […]

The “Take Two Aspirins” Problem in Mentoring

By Jean Rhodes Imagine a medical practice in which every new patient who stepped through its doors was offered the same age-old prescription to “take two aspirins and call me in the morning.” This universal approach might actually work for patients who are suffering from minor aches or low-grade fevers, and the clinic could point […]

How Mentoring Can Shift from “Beating the Odds” to Changing the Odds

By Jean Rhodes In an important new Annual Review of Clinical Psychology article, UVA Professor Noelle Hurd, describes how mentors can help ethnically marginalized youth can derive positive developmental outcomes while also working with their mentees to create a more just and equitable society. As Hurd notes, much of the theorizing and research on natural […]

Listening and connecting: Effective strategies for building strong relationships

Ball, J., Guros, C., Scott, A., Aceves, L., & Holquist, S.E. (2023). Establishing trusting relationships to transform school systems. Child Trends. DOI: 10.56417/7023q7506u Reprinted from Child Trends Building Relationships: Listening, Connecting, and Establishing Trust Relationship building is based on a universal desire to be seen and heard. Listening and connecting involves acknowledging and elevating those […]