Tag Archive for: Goal Setting

Two new studies highlight the need for more targeted mentoring

by Jean Rhodes Doctoral student, Alejandro Vázquez, and his faculty mentor, Professor Miguel Villodas had a hunch. They suspected that caregivers were seeking out volunteer mentoring programs as an alternative to traditional mental health services. Villodas, a clinical psychologist, had served as a mentor to several youth, and Vasquez, a doctoral student, was studying patterns […]

New research shows benefits of small treats in goal attainment

Posted by Andrew Trounson, Futurity.org A new study links simple pleasures with making better progress toward personal goals. Enough simple pleasures can even counter the negative effects of a bad day.   The results have implications for workplace productivity and stress management, says lead author Nicole Mead, associate professor at the University of Melbourne. There […]

New research recommends targeted approach to seeking donations

Posted to Futurity by Matthew Biddle Charities and nonprofits can increase engagement and revenue by suggesting the right donation levels, according to new research. Setting a low suggested amount increased the total number of donations, the study found. Conversely, setting a high default amount increased the average amount donors gave, but resulted in fewer contributions overall. […]

It Takes a Community to Heal Traumatized Youth, and Formal and Natural Mentors Have a Part to Play

By Cathy Anthofer-Fialon, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange Juvenile justice is a delicate dance between the court, families and the community. Juvenile justice began as a recognition that youth/children are different from adults and benefit from the rehabilitative nature of the court system. However, communities can demand youth be “taught a lesson” and pressure may be […]