Entries by Jeremy Astesano

[Webinar] Mentorship in the context of COVID-19: Why relationships matter now more than ever

Higher education institutions across the country are facing tremendous turbulence in the face of COVID-19. With college campuses closing and learning being moved online, it is now more important than ever that socially distanced students have a relevant and engaged support network. Mentorship in the Context of COVID-19: Why Relationships Matter More Than Ever; A […]

How to talk to children about the corona virus

Malaka Gharib, NPR We’re living in uncertain times. While the news may be hard for us to digest as adults, translating it into a format that is useful for kids can be an ever harder task. Sometimes it can be best to distill information into a visual format for children, and that’s just what NPR […]

Positive relationships can buffer childhood trauma and toxic stress, researchers say

By Kay Lazar,Boston Globe Traumatic events and toxic relationships during childhood can cast long shadows, often damaging mental health well into adulthood. But a growing body of research suggests sustained, positive relationships with caring adults can help mitigate the harmful effects of childhood trauma. And specialists say pediatricians, social workers, and others who work with kids […]

[Webinar] Activating the power of youth voice in mentoring

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2020, 1:00 – 2:15 PM Eastern Description: Youth mentoring programs are dedicated to serving youth and ensuring that young people have the tools and supports necessary to succeed and achieve their goals. But how do mentoring programs ensure that young people’s voices are accounted for when discussing issues and experiences, and creating […]

Profiles In Mentoring: Dr. Edmond Bowers reflects on PYD, understanding youth success across contexts, and how technology can better the world

    Today we’re pleased to bring you our interview with Dr. Edmond Bowers, an associate professor of Youth Development Leadership at Clemson University. Dr. Bowers received both B.S. and M.Ed. degrees from the University of Notre Dame and a Ph.D. in Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology from Boston College. Prior to arriving at Clemson, […]

Mentoring for young people leaving foster care: Promise and potential pitfalls

Spencer, R., Collins, M. E., Ward, R., & Smashnaya, S. (2010). Mentoring for young people leaving foster care: Promise and potential pitfalls. Social work, 55(3), 225-234. Summarized by Jeremy Astesano Notes of Interest: Children in foster care, who lose access to that support system around the time they legally become adults, are a group who can benefit […]

2020 Mentoring Summit presentations

The National Mentoring Summit in Washington D.C. took place in late January, representing a collection of leading researchers in the field coming together to share information on the latest in mentoring news and research. While not all readers may have been able to attend the summit, there is a way for you to have the […]

Want to be a great mentor? Here’s how

by Joyce E. A. Russel, Forbes Editors’ note: While the Chronicle tends to have a focus on youth mentoring in formal programs and natural settings, we also try to bring our readers different perspectives on youth and mentoring from around the internet and research world. Ask yourself what the most successful version of your relationship is. […]

[Webinar] Mentoring youth involved in the juvenile justice system

Description: This webinar will discuss best practices and considerations for mentoring youth involved in and impacted by the juvenile justice system. Attendees will hear from practitioners working in the juvenile justice space who will discuss the role and impact of mentoring along with mentoring challenges and strategies for supporting this population of youth. Date: Thu, […]