Entries by Justin Preston

Profiles in Mentoring: A conversation with Veronica Fruiht

Written by Kirsten Christensen Veronica Fruiht is an Assistant professor and researcher at Dominican University of California. Her research interests center around the construct of hope and mentoring relationships among young people. Specifically, Dr. Fruiht is interested in understanding and uncovering how hope and positive, supportive relationships influence adolescent and young adults’ academic goals and […]

Profiles in Mentoring: A conversation with Maurice Crul on mentoring and immigrant youth

Editor’s Note: I had the pleasure of meeting Professor Maurice Crul at the European Centre for Evidence-Based Mentoring last year. He is a rock star in the field of immigration and has been leading efforts to explore how mentoring affects immigrant youth. Dr. Crul has published extensively on the educational careers of children of immigrants both nationally […]

Study finds that cross-race mentoring is associated with reductions in perceived racism

Liao, L. C. & Sanchez, B. (2015). An exploratory study of the role of mentoring in the acculturation of Latino/a youth. Journal of Community Psychology, 43(7), 868-877. doi: 10.1002/jcop.21717 Summarized by Jessica Cunningham Background: There is very little research focused on children from immigrant families in general, and even less research on how mentoring interventions […]

A potential alternative mentoring intervention for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Karoff, M., Tucker, A. R., Alvarez, T., & Kovacs, P. (2017). Infusing a peer-to-peer support program with Adventure Therapy for adolescent students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Experiential Education, 40, 394-408. doi:10.1177/1053825917727551 Summarized by Renée Klein Schaarsberg Notes of Interest: This article provides preliminary support for a way to increase social competence and decreasing […]

New research: Acting as a mentor associated with civic engagement years later

Goldner, L. & Golan, D. (2017). The long-term effects of youth mentoring on student mentors’ civic engagement attitudes and behavior. Journal of Community Psychology, 00, 1-13. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21886 Summarized by Justin Preston Introduction So often, research focuses on the implications of mentoring for the mentee. This is, of course, a vitally important piece of the […]

Profiles in Mentoring: A Conversation with Johanna Greeson on Natural Mentoring and Foster Care

Below is a profile of Professor Johanna Greeson. Johanna’s excellent new book will be out next month!  by Kate Powers Introduction: Johanna Greeson is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Greeson received her MSW from Bryn Mawr College in 1999, and then returned to […]

Breaking up is hard to do: How and why formal mentoring relationships end

Spencer, R., Basualdo-Delmonico, A., Walsh, J. & Drew, A. (2017). Breaking up is hard to do: A qualitative interview study of how and why youth mentoring relationships end. Youth & Society, 49(4), 438-460. DOI: 10.1177/0044118X14535416 Summarized by Justin Preston   Introduction: One of the goals of every mentoring organization is to foster long-lasting, meaningful relationships […]

Mentor relationship quality predicts the quality of other important relationships

Thomson, N., & Zand, D. (2010). Mentees’ perceptions of their interpersonal relationships: The role of  the mentor-youth bond. Youth Society, 41, 434-447. Mentor relationship quality as a predictor of other important relationships Background: A primary way in which mentors influence mentees is by altering the youths’ view of their own interpersonal relationships  It is believed […]