Entries by Adar Ben-Eliyahu

What is emotion regulation and how can mentors help?

  by  Ben-Eliyahu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Haifa Long ago, psychologists recognized the important role that emotions can play in shaping the quality of our relationships and, more generally, our life courses. Emotions spark the bond between parents and their newborns; they attract romantic partners and they draw us to certain activities and deter […]

Mentored versus not-mentored, what’s the difference?: Group comparisons made easy

By Adar Ben-Eliyahu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Haifa Are there differences in outcomes between youth who are mentored versus those who are not? What about youth who are in a group mentoring intervention versus those in one-on-one mentoring intervention? Do the mentored youth from single-parent homes benefit more from a particular program than those […]

What is peer review and why do we need it?

By Adar Ben-Eliyahu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor at University of Haifa Peer review refers to a process used for evaluating published academic work, grant proposals, etc. You may think of this process as similar to that of a teacher looking over their students’ work, except that, instead of teachers and students, it is expert colleagues. Who are […]

Sparks: An important ingredient in why active kids excel!

by Adar Ben-Eliyahu, Ph.D. (Appearing also in http://mag.activewearusa.com/active-kids-excel/) Research shows that when children are physically active, they get stronger mentally, emotionally and socially, and increase their likelihood for success in all aspects of their lives. Why should we invest in our children’s physical activities? Or what should we invest in? Other than the physical health aspect of […]