[Webinar] Supporting College Students with Minoritized Identities Through Mentoring

Date: Thursday August 10th, 2023, 12:00 PM EST

The Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring is hosting a 2023 Webinar Series on Effective Student Mentoring for college and higher-education populations.

The next webinar in the series is titled Supporting College Students with Minoritized Identities Through Mentoring, and will be led by Dr. Elizabeth Raposa, Associate Professor of Psychology at Fordham University. 

Students who hold identities typically marginalized on four-year college campuses (e.g., first-generation or low-income college students, or students from minoritized racial or ethnic groups) are at elevated risk for a diverse array of mental health problems and poorer academic outcomes at college, including lower graduation rates. In this talk, findings will be shared from clinical science and community psychology that suggest ways we might leverage mentoring relationships to better support these youth, with a focus on innovative approaches to supporting youth using informal or naturally-occurring mentoring relationships (as opposed to formalized mentoring interventions that rely on volunteers). It will also touch on the ways that these approaches can work in concert with traditional, formalized services on college campuses, such as the counseling center, to redress systematic inequalities in our educational systems and reduce disparities in college success for students with minoritized identities.

To register for the event, please click here.