Renée Spencer

spencerRenée Spencer serves as Editor of the Research from Related Fields column. This column will enable Renee to post and discuss research from the fields of social work, education, psychology, and others as they pertain to the mentor-mentee relationships. As the nation’s leading qualitative researcher in the field of mentoring, Dr. Spencer is well equipped to serve this important bridging role. Dr. Spencer is Associate Professor at Boston University School of Social Work. Her research focuses on youth mentoring, specifically relational processes in more and less successful relationships. She is currently conducting a mixed-methods longitudinal study of the development of youth mentoring relationships in community-based programs. She has published widely on youth mentoring and serves as a member of several boards and committees, including MENTOR/National Mentoring Partnership Research and Policy Council, The Center for the Advancement of Mentoring (TCAM) National Cadre of Mentoring Researchers, and the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Research Advisory Council.

Read Renee’s contributions to the Chronicle here