Webinar: Maximizing Volunteer Engagement


Maximizing Volunteer Engagement
January 24, 2019
1:00-2:15pm EST


Mentoring programs are focused on recruiting and engaging volunteers as mentors, but is there potential for volunteers to support our programs in other ways? Learn how to maximize the potential of your volunteers beyond mentoring, and engage them in recruiting other mentors and mentees, supporting fundraising and events, and much more. We’ll also discuss how to manage volunteers in these different capacities, what roles and responsibilities are better suited for paid staff, and how volunteers can support your program at various stages of development.


To register, please click here.


This webinar is part of the Collaborative Mentoring Webinar Series, which is funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention through the National Mentoring Resource Center and facilitated in partnership with MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership. These webinars would not be possible without the planning team, which includes California Mentoring Partnership, The Governor’s Prevention Partnership, Grizzlies Foundation, Illinois Mentoring Partnership, Indiana Mentoring Partnership, Institute for Youth Success, Mentor Colorado, The Mentoring Partnership & Resource Center, and Mobius – Vermont’s Mentoring Partnership.