Entries by Cyanea Poon

Profiles in Mentoring: Aisha Griffith on afterschool mentoring

Interviewed by Cyanea Poon Dr. Aisha Griffith is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research focuses on the development and function of supportive relationships between adolescents and non-parental adults within informal and formal learning contexts. She is particularly interested in the critical role of trust within youth-adult relationships […]

Profiles in Mentoring: A conversation with mentoring expert Thomas Keller

Interviewed by Maaike Kroes and Iris Kools Thomas Keller serves as the Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research and Director of the Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring. His research focuses on the development and influence of youth mentoring relationships and strategies for improving youth mentoring programs. He also addresses the well-being of youth […]

Profiles in Mentoring: Carla Herrera on improving mentoring programs

Interviewed by Cyanea Poon Dr. Carla Herrera is an independent consultant who was most recently a senior research fellow at Public/Private Ventures. Dr. Herrera has published numerous reports and articles on school-based, community-based and group mentoring over the past 20 years. We are honored to speak with her about her journey, and hear from her […]

New study on barriers to forming natural mentoring relationships in Latinx youth

Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Sánchez, B., & Smith Carter, J. (2020). Developing natural mentoring relationships among latinx youth: the roles of trust in adults and stressors. Applied Developmental Science, 1-12. Summarized by Cyanea Poon   Notes of Interest: Latinx youth face social inequalities that may impede them from becoming adults who can achieve their educational and career […]

Students learn from people they love

By David Brooks, New York Times A few years ago, when I was teaching at Yale, I made an announcement to my class. I said that I was going to have to cancel office hours that day because I was dealing with some personal issues and a friend was coming up to help me sort […]

These tools help coach college youth aged out of foster care to develop relationships

By Yvonne Unrau, Youth Today What does it take to engage students who age out of foster care into supportive relationships on the college campus? It helps to understand that relationships formed with supportive adults, such as caseworkers, foster parents, guardians ad litem and other professionals, while in foster care can change frequently for youth, […]

Why do parents want a mentor for their child? A comparison between community-based and school-based matches

Sourk, M., Weiler, L. M., Cavell, T. A. (2019). Risk, support, and reasons for wanting a mentor: Comparing parents of youth in community versus school-based matches. Child and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.01.046 Summarized by Karina DeAndrade Notes of Interest: The purpose of this study was to understand the why parents wanted their kids to have […]

New study on the moderating effects of program experiences in formal mentoring

Weiler, L., Boat, A., & Haddock, S. (2019). Youth Risk and Mentoring Relationship Quality: The Moderating Effect of Program Experiences. American Journal of Community Psychology, 63(1-2), 73-87. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest: Weiler’s, Boat’s, and Haddock’s (2019) study examined if mentor program experiences (i.e. support for efficiency, mattering, and opportunities to belong, supportive bonds with […]

Youth Collaboratory Report: Youth-level outcomes & measures for system responses to youth homelessness

Youth Collaboratory What is the Youth Outcomes Project? The Youth Outcomes Project (YOP), a collaboration between Youth Collaboratory, Chapin Hall, multiple federal agencies and a number of leading researchers, practitioners, philanthropists, and youth with lived experience, provides guidance and promotes consensus on what and how to measure within the four broad core outcome areas identified […]