Tag Archive for: Mobile Apps

Program Corner: Using Technology to Improve Mentor Recruitment

In this post, I have asked Katy White, who is a consultant with Dare Mighty Things (www.daremightythings.com), to share her insights on how technology can assist program managers in recruiting mentors.  Katy is steeped in mentoring knowledge from years of providing training and technical assistance to mentoring programs across the country.  With Caregiver’s Choice, a […]

Program Corner: Enhancing Your Ability to Train Mentors through Technology

  In this post, I have asked Butch Schuck and Amy Steinhilber to comment on how technology has enhanced mentor training in the National Guard Youth Challenge Program (www.ngycp.org).  Butch Schuck serves as the Deputy Program Director for the National Challenge Institute – the training arm for the Youth Challenge program.  Amy Steinhilber is the […]

Technology Solutions for Youth Mentoring Case Management - The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

Program Corner: Technology solutions for case management

Technology solutions for case management Dave Van Patten, Editor Over the next few weeks, I have asked several mentoring experts to comment on how technology solutions can help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of mentoring programs. In this post, Brian Sales discusses various cutting edge, technology solutions that mentoring programs are using to improve their […]