New short film explores power of mentoring.
As a member of the MacArthur Foundation’s Network on Connected Learning, I wanted to share with you a great new short on mentoring. The Foundation commissioned filmmaker Nic Askew to make a series of short film that explores the underlying thinking of our six principles of Connected learning: interests, peers, youth as producers, networks, shared purpose, and academics. This short film explores a fundamental ingredient of learning and human potential: mentoring. Its potential is arguably even more pronounced today because of our ability to connect with others who share our interests through the internet and social media. The film asks:
* Might we all have the opportunity to mentor another?’
* How powerful is a single moment of validation to a young imagination?
* Might your influence travel further than you might imagine?
* Teacher or not, might you have a part to play in the education of another?
The interview subject is Brother Mike, YouMedia coordinator and lead mentor for the Digital Youth Network. To view the entire “Essence of Connected Learning” playlist on Vimeo, visit