Natural Mentoring

These articles pertain to relationships that are forged with caring nonparent adults (e.g., extended families, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc.) as opposed to those that are matched through programs.

College mentors are helpful: But too many students aren’t finding them

Having a professor, adviser or other mentor can greatly help…

When Teachers and School Counselors Become Informal Mentors, Students Thrive

By Madeline Will, Reprinted from the Education Week For…

New study finds Dutch youth were more likely to adhere to COVID-19 measures if they had a natural mentor

Koning, N., Hagedoorn, N., Stams, G.-J. J. M., Assink, M.,…

Researchers Examine Benefits of Informal Mentoring for Young People

BUSSW doctoral program graduate Grace Gowdy (SSW’19) and…

New case study explores fictive kinship in a Black adolescent’s natural mentoring relationship

Scott, E. D., & Deutsch, N. L. (2021). Conferring Kinship:…

Coaching and Mentoring: Two sides of the same coin?

Stokes, P., Diochon, P. F., & Otter, K. (2021). “Two…

New study shows how family closeness can foster natural mentoring relationships among Black youth

Billingsley, J. T., Rivens, A. J., & Hurd, N. M. (2021).…