New study explores the contexts, barriers, and motivations of friend’s parents and family friends as natural youth mentors
Christensen, K. M., & Poon, C. Y. S. (2021). Exploring…

College mentors are helpful: But too many students aren’t finding them
Having a professor, adviser or other mentor can greatly help…

When Teachers and School Counselors Become Informal Mentors, Students Thrive
By Madeline Will, Reprinted from the Education Week

Creating a culture of belonging: How teachers and mentors can help students navigate the return to in-person learning
by Jean E Rhodes
School closures and the loss of face-to face…

New study finds Dutch youth were more likely to adhere to COVID-19 measures if they had a natural mentor
Koning, N., Hagedoorn, N., Stams, G.-J. J. M., Assink, M.,…

Researchers Examine Benefits of Informal Mentoring for Young People
BUSSW doctoral program graduate Grace Gowdy (SSW’19) and…

New case study explores fictive kinship in a Black adolescent’s natural mentoring relationship
Scott, E. D., & Deutsch, N. L. (2021). Conferring Kinship:…

Someone who ‘gets’ me: How mentees’ perceived positive regard from natural mentors impact youth outcomes
Ben-Eliyahu, A., Sykes, L. A. Y., & Rhodes, J. E. (2021).…

Coaching and Mentoring: Two sides of the same coin?
Stokes, P., Diochon, P. F., & Otter, K. (2021). “Two…

New study shows how family closeness can foster natural mentoring relationships among Black youth
Billingsley, J. T., Rivens, A. J., & Hurd, N. M. (2021).…