Natural Mentoring

These articles pertain to relationships that are forged with caring nonparent adults (e.g., extended families, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc.) as opposed to those that are matched through programs.

How do ethnic identity and stress exposure affect Latinx adolescents in natural mentorships 

Raposa, E. B., Sánchez, B., O’Donnell, A., & Monjaras-Gaytan,…

Study highlights protective role of teacher-student relationships during COVID-19

Zhu, Q., Cheong, Y., Wang, C., & Sun, C. (2021). The roles…

Strengthening student-teacher relationships to boost achievement

By Lauren Barack, Reprinted from K12 Dive Dive Brief: …
Wallace Grace

The importance of teacher-child relationships during elementary school

Maldonado-Carreno, C., & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2011). Teacher-child…

The youth mental health crisis is real, but teachers can’t solve it alone

By David B. Shapiro and Stephanie M. Jones, Reprinted from…