[Webinar] Workplace mentoring: Preparing youth for success in the workforce
If you’re looking for resources on how to help youth have success in the workplace, MENTOR is hosting a webinar for you! Find more information about it below:
Date: Thu, Jan 16, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM EST
Description: Mentoring relationships in the workplace have been shown to have a positive impact on both workplace employees and young people as they begin college and career exploration, and prepare to enter and navigate the workforce. In this webinar, attendees will hear from organizations that are engaging employees from corporate partners and how their mentoring initiatives impact both employees and youth mentees. Attendees will gain insights on how to increase access and opportunities in workplaces for the youth in their programs. There will also be discussion on the employment gap and the experiences of first generation students, supporting young people to realize their professional and personal goals, and the best practices for cultivating workforce development and essential career readiness skills to ensure that young people are motivated and prepared for success in the workplace and beyond.
Click here to sign up for the webinar.
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