The Magic of Reading: How mentorship can boost reading level and story comprehension in elementary schoolers

Reference: Rubin, N. T., & Travero, A. S. (2022). Fostering reading level and story comprehension through MARITES (Marungko Approach Reading Intervention to Elementary Schoolers) with mentor-mentee arrangement. International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, & Management (IRJSTEM), 2(3).

Summarized by Saniya Soni


Reading is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in individuals’ cognitive and social development. However, many developing countries, including the Philippines, struggle to foster proficient readers among primary school-aged children. The Marungko Approach, a proven method that focuses on letter and sound sequencing, has been effective in enhancing reading comprehension. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, online mentoring has also shown positive effects on students’ achievement during remote learning. This mix-methods study aimed to utilize the Marungko Approach as a reading intervention and instruction method while incorporating the support of mentors for  Grade 1 pupils to address their reading difficulties.

Key Takeaways: 
  • Post 6-week intervention results showed that more than half of the pupils reached the paragraph level in reading, with six pupils achieving the highest level in the ASER Reading Tool story level.
  • In terms of story comprehension, the pre-test scores indicated high frustration levels among the students. However, post-test scores revealed significant improvement, with learners categorized as independent.
  • Themes of successful rapport building also emerged from interviews with students and mentors in the program. 
  • Mentors expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gain early exposure to the teaching field, while mentees appreciated their mentors’ strategies, such as reward systems and singing, which contributed to their learning and motivation.

Based on the study’s findings, researchers report that the combination of the Marungko Approach and a mentor-mentee arrangement proves highly effective in enhancing elementary pupils’ reading level and story comprehension. As reading is crucial to learning, the authors encourage elementary teachers to employ strategies that promote these skills. The Marungko Approach, along with mentoring, can be utilized to foster learners’ reading abilities. Additionally, Rubin and Travero recommend establishing partnerships between teacher education institutions (TEIs) and DepEd schools, enabling students to gain real-world exposure early on in their training.

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