10/17 webinar on group mentoring

Group Mentoring Webinar - The Chronicles of Evidence-Based MentoringGroup Mentoring:
Bridging Research and Effective Practice

Thursday, October 17, 2013
10:00-11:15 AM Pacific/ 11:00-12:15 PM Mountain/
12:00-1:15 PM Central/1:00-2:15 PM Eastern

Group mentoring is an increasingly popular strategy for providing positive relationships and activities to youth in need. In fact, over 20% of youth mentoring programs offer some form of group mentoring, while a survey of American volunteers finds that over half say they work with more than one young person at a time.

But compared to one-to-one mentoring, the research on the group approach is still emerging, and programs often wonder when group mentoring might be the right fit and how to implement these models for maximum effectiveness.

Please join us as researcher Gabriel Kuperminc (Georgia Southern University) and technical assistance provider Jerry Sherk (Mentor Management Systems) discuss the research base and practical tips for implementing effective group mentoring programs.

Click on the following link to register: