Program Models

Mentoring programs can vary widely (e.g., one-on-one, group, e-mentoring, and more). This section covers the differing approaches.

Using Youth-Initiated Mentoring in Your Program? We Want to Hear From You!

Is your mentoring program implementing Youth-Initiated Mentoring…

Quality Mentoring Connections Are Linked to Improved Student Transition to College

Lenz, S. (2014). Mediating effects of relationships with…

Innovative Automotive Mentoring Group teaches teens important skills

Written by Mary Mitchell (Chicago Sun-Times) Alex Levesque's…

The Importance of High-School Mentors

by Alyza Sebenius (the Atlantic) In her job as a “dream…

Mentor gets student over the roadblock to college

Written by Alison Martin Shakyra Ragsdale (left) got a scare…

Youth-Initiated Mentoring is a game changer for disconnected youth


Group Mentoring Model Shows “Promise and Potential” – National Mentoring Resource Center Review

Group Review Board Gabriel Kuperminc, Ph.D. (Georgia State University) National…

At UC San Diego, retired professors are mentoring first-generation college students

By Melvin H Green, The Conversation Thursday, January 7, 2016 My…

New study shows strong effects of trained paraprofessionals

Orphans and other vulnerable children in developing countries…