Loneliness Is As Deadly As Smoking, Surgeon General Says
By Amanda Seitz/AP, Reprinted from TIME

Monitoring digital youth counseling interventions: Understanding the demographic profiles and outcome changes
Blackshaw, E., Sefi, A., Mindel, C., Maher, H., & De…

Christensen Institute report: How technology can personalize learning and build students’ relationships
By Thomas Arnett, Reprinted from the Christensen Institute

New study explores the risks for premature match closure in an online mentoring program
Uebler, C., Emmerdinger, K. J., Ziegler, A., & Stoeger,…

Digital Mental Health Use and the Role of Paraprofessionals: A Conversation with Dr. Bethany Teachman
Interviewed By Megyn Jasman
Q: Dr. Teachman, you have been…

WT Grant Foundation: Building Evidence Systems to Integrate Implementation Research and Practice in Education
By Norma Ming, reprinted from the William T. Grant Foundation

“LGBTQ+ Guide for Student Success”
By Intelligent.com Higher Education Team, Reprinted from…

Q&A: Big Brothers Big Sisters CEO recruits alumni as mentors
By Thalia Beaty, Reprinted from AP News

Human support for digital mental health interventions: a promising approach
Werntz, A., Amado, S., Jasman, M., Ervin, A, & Rhodes,…

Building Connection: Conversation Starters for Youth in Challenging Times
Reprinted from the Search Institute
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