Cultivating connections: New study explores how social capital advances educational and career pathways
by Jean Rhodes
We all know that social capital (i.e., the…

Effectiveness of a school-based group mentoring program promoting students’ engagement, self-regulation, and goal setting
Martins, J., Rosário, P., Cunha, J., Núñez, J. C., Vallejo,…

OJJDP FY24 Mentoring Programs for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System Solicitation Webinar
OJJDP FY24 Mentoring Programs for Youth in the Juvenile Justice…

College leaders refocus attention on their students’ top priority: Jobs after graduation
Reprinted from The Hechinger Report
by JON MARCUS, November…

New study explores long-term impact of the fostering healthy futures for preteens program
Taussig, H. N., Fulginiti, A., Racz, S. J., Evans, R., &…

2024 Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring
The 15th annual Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring will…

Listening and connecting: Effective strategies for building strong relationships
Ball, J., Guros, C., Scott, A., Aceves, L., & Holquist,…

What Do Immigrant Students Need? It Isn’t Just ELL
By Jill Anderson, Reprinted from Harvard Graduate School…

When it comes to building networks, students need more low-stakes practice
By Robert Markle, Reprinted from the Christensen Institute

NextGen Psych Scholars: A Roadmap to a Diverse Academic Future
Reference: DeJoseph, M. L., & Carosella, K. A. (2023).…