Upcoming webinars on the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program

National Mentoring Resource Center

The recently completed evaluation of the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program (MEDP) offered a fascinating look at how mentoring programs can think about making targeted enhancements to their services and improve the quality and consistency of mentoring that youth receive. Ten collaborative partnerships of mentoring programs around the country each attempted, via an OJJDP grant, to develop and implement enhancements to their “business as usual” services that would allow mentors to be better advocates and teachers. The project offers a great set of case studies in how mentoring programs can think about making enhancements like this and the impact they might expect to see from these types of program improvement efforts. We are lucky to have the research team from the American Institutes for Research joining us for two webinars about the project, the first focused on implementation and how these enhancements influenced the work of mentors and the second on the impact that these enhancements had on relationship and youth outcomes.

Lessons Learned from the Implementation of the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program

November 16, 2018 • 1:00 PM EST

This first MEDP webinar focuses on how programs determined what to enhance and how they implemented these enhanced services. The webinar will offer plenty of lessons learned and food for thought for any mentoring program thinking about how to improve their services over “business as usual.”

To register, click here.

Outcomes and Findings from the Mentoring Enhancement Demonstration Program

November 30, 2018 • 1:00 PM EST

This second webinar about the project highlights the programmatic and youth outcomes that resulted from this project at 10 sites across the country. Please join the research team behind the evaluation to learn about the impact that these advocacy and teaching enhancements had on the work of mentors and the outcomes for their mentees.

To register, click here.