NMRC reviewed the effectiveness of mentoring programs

Reposting from National Mentoring Resource Center

One of the main activities of the National Mentoring Resource Center Research Board is to review the research about rigorously evaluated mentoring programs to rate their currently demonstrated level of effectiveness.

Program reviews are conducted using the standards and protocols of CrimeSolutions.gov, a resource developed by the Office of Justice Programs.

Following a systematic review of all available research, each program is given an evidence rating using the following key:

Check +

Effective – Program has strong evidence that it achieves justice-related goals when implemented with fidelity.


Promising – Program has some evidence that it achieves justice-related goals when implemented with fidelity.


No effects – Program has strong evidence that it did not achieve justice-related goals (or had harmful effects).

A single study icon is used to identify programs that have been evaluated with only one study. A multiple studies icon is used to represent a greater extent of evidence supporting evidence rating.

In addition to the overall rating, the National Mentoring Resource Center provides Insights for Practitioners on each program reviewed. These commentaries highlight key takeaways, program design considerations, and implementation tips.

Learn more about the review process for programs, practices, and resources. You can also nominate additional programs, practices, and resources for review and inclusion on this site.


To access original article and the list of reviewed mentoring programs, click here.