Conversations about masculinity: How mentors can support young men of color

The National Mentoring Partnership

Conversations About MasculinityHow Mentors Can Support Young Men of Color is a research-backed and youth-informed guide to unpack the timely and critical topic of toxic masculinity. Our collective understanding of gender is evolving, and how we understand masculinity is evolving with it. With this guide, mentoring programs, practitioners, and mentors can reflect on their experiences, biases, and assumptions to more effectively leverage their strengths and the power of mentoring to support young people.

Informed by research, practice, and the experiences of young men from JPMorgan Chase’s The Fellowship Initiative, Conversations About Masculinity provides practical tips to support the development of relationships that encourage young men to explore expressions of masculinity to serve healthy decision making, self-development, and care for others.

To download the Masculinity Guide, click here.
For the original post, click here.