Study suggests that teens prefer adult mentors to peer mentors
Kendal, S., Keeley, P., & Callery, P. (2011). Young people's…

School district integrates aspects of adult-youth and peer mentoring to foster connectedness – and improve graduation rates
Written by Holly Korbey, edutopia
When the bell rang for early…

New Research investigates impacts of vocational peer mentors on emerging adults with mental illness
Klodnick, V. V., Sabrella, K., Brenner, C. J., Krzos, I. M.,…

New research observes combination of peer youth mentoring and multimedia
Bowers, E. P., Hilliard, L. J., Batanova, M., Stacey, D. C.,…

Peer Mentoring: A discussion with Experienced Practitioners
Peer Mentoring: A discussion with Experienced Practitioners

The ABC of peer mentoring – what secondary students have to say about cross-age peer mentoring
Willis, P., Bland, R., Manka, L., & Craft, C. (2012). The…

Peer mentoring: An effective vehicle for promoting healthy behaviors
Petosa, R.L., & Smith, L.H. (2014). Peer mentoring for health…