How mentor training can lead to more effective STEM mentoring relationships
Summarized by Ariel Ervin
Stelter, R. L., Kupersmidt,…
Mindfulness apps with acceptance training can reduce stress
By SHILO REA, Futurity
Mindfulness meditation apps can reduce…
Attention training may ease teen anxiety disorder
By Fred Mamoun, Futurity
A simple computer-based program…
‘Mindfulness’ training improves self-control for incarcerated male adolescents
By Christopher James, Futurity
A meditation-based therapy…
Training young people to be peer leaders and educators is powerful
By Laurie Jo Wallace, Youth Today
Youth engagement, youth…
New research on Just-in-Time Training and Task Shifting
McQuillin, S., Lyons, M., Becker, K., Hart, M., Cohen, K. (2019)…
Improving Mentoring by Improving Mentor Training
By Sam McQuillin
Originally posted the National Mentoring…
Moving toward critical mentoring: Social justice trainings as a starting place
By Amy J. Anderson
Over the past few years, I have been involved…
New Webinar: Strategies for Creating Ongoing Mentor Training
Thu, May 17, 2018 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM EDT
Most mentoring programs…
New research identifies links between mentee strain and mentors’ response strategies
Wesely, J., Dzoba, N., Miller, H. & Rasche, C. (2016). Mentoring…