
WT Grant Foundation: Emergency Exits: Avenues for New Research to Improve Youth Outcomes after COVID

By Anya Kamenetz, reprinted from the William T. Grant Foundation Journalist Anya Kamenetz is a writer who makes extensive use of research in her reporting—so much so that, in 2022, the American Educational Research Association recognized her with its Excellence In Media Reporting On Education Research Award. But as she learned while reporting on the […]

How Building Relationship Skills Supports Student Success

By and reprinted from the Search Institute Young people develop resilience to face life’s challenges when they have at least one well-rounded, strong, and sustained relationship in their lives. And they begin to thrive when they experience a broader web of relationships in their homes, schools, programs, and communities. But developmentally influential relationships do not […]

[Webinar] Youth Town Hall: A call for mentoring to support our mental wellness and well-being

Date: Mar 16, 2023, 01:00 PM EST Mentors are excellent sources of support for youth, who are experiencing a variety of challenges and issues. Join this webinar to learn about youths’ experiences, what they want from mentors, and how they continue to hope. To register for the event, please click here.

Creating Better Opportunities for Young People

By and reprinted from Mentoring Europe The OECD Council adopted the Recommendation on Creating Better Opportunities for Young People in June 2022, with the aim of improving youth measures and outcomes. The recommendation emphasizes government-wide strategies and policy principles that focus on skills and competencies, labor market outcomes, social inclusion, youth well-being, and trust in […]

Too often, we are left to sink or swim: Young people discuss equitable pathways to opportunity

By and reprinted from the American Youth Policy Forum AYPF recently conducted focus groups to obtain feedback from young people on creating equitable pathways to opportunities. The discussion with our young people surrounded access and success in post-secondary education and training that would directly lead to meaningful employment. Here are some of the valuable insights […]

Four Ways to Better Support Young Adults Transitioning out of Foster Care

By Michael Pergamit and Marla McDaniel, Reprinted from the Urban Institute Congress established the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood, known as Chafee, in 1999. That means the program, which provides support to assist young adults transitioning out of the foster care system, is now 23, the same age when […]

How Mentorship and Support Can Help Opportunity Youth Reach their Goals

By Abigail Ellis, Reprinted from the National Mentoring Resource Center The novel coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption in the lives of young adults. In particular, opportunity youth—those aged 16–24 who are not in school or employed—have been disproportionately affected by the economic downturn resulting from this crisis. Without the required education or skills, this […]

How educators can overcome barriers to building relationships

Reprinted from the Search Institute Schools are a place for learning, and a place for relating. Search Institute’s decades of research shows us that young people’s development is rooted in their community and in their relationships. When young people have high-quality, positive relationships with parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, and peers, they are more likely to […]

Supporting Young People to Help Them Feel Seen, Heard, and Valued

Reprinted from the Search Institute Today many in schools, afterschool programs, and families are asking, how can we support young people to ensure they feel seen, heard, and valued? The answer lies in a comprehensive and intentional approach to creating positive skills and values, as well as close connections with adults and peers. This helps […]

Dismantling stereotypes: How adolescence can be reframed?

Telzer, E. H., Dai, J., Capella, J. J., Sobrino, M., & Garrett, S. L. (2022). Challenging stereotypes of teens: Reframing adolescence as window of opportunity. American Psychologist, 77(9), 1067–1081. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  Adolescents are associated with stereotypes that negatively affect their behaviors and self-concept. For example, many people believe they are self-centered, […]