
Addressing the Trauma of Undocumented Immigrant Children and Families

    Date: November 3, 2023, Noon-1 PM EST/9-10 AM PST In an era marked by heightened animosity towards unauthorized immigrants in America, harsh immigrant policies contribute to detentions and deportations that result in detrimental consequences (e.g., family separation and compounded trauma), highlighting the need for policymakers and mental health professionals to address the adverse […]

Everyday Acts of Resistance: Mexican, Undocumented Immigrant Children and Adolescents Navigating Oppression with Mentor Support

Sánchez, B., Garcia-Murillo, Y., Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Thursby, K., Ulerio, G., de los Reyes, W., Salusky, I., & Rivera, C. (2022). Everyday acts of resistance: Mexican, undocumented immigrant youth navigating oppression in education with mentor support. Journal of Research on Adolescents, 32(2), p. 398-416. doi: 10.1111/jora.12755. By Yesenia Garcia-Murillo, Bernadette Sánchez, Lidia Monjaras-Gaytan, & Grevelin Ulerio, Reprinted […]

Everyday acts of resistance: New study shows how mentors support undocumented youth

Sánchez, B., Garcia-Murillo, Y., Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Thursby, K., Ulerio, G., de los Reyes, W., Salusky, I. R., & Rivera, C. S. (2022). Everyday acts of resistance: Mexican, undocumented immigrant children and adolescents navigating oppression with mentor support. Journal of Research on Adolescence. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest: Having an undocumented status […]