
Mary Fernandez, President of MentorNet, kicks off new mentoring radio

If you’ve enjoyed reading Vince Reardon’s Pocket Mentor entries, then you might want to try his new radio show, “Mentoring Today with Vince Reardon,” a weekly, 30-minute radio program offering listeners guest interviews about mentoring youth. All shows will be available through the MentoringU podcast series on iTunes, but listening live gives you the chance to call […]

In Robert Putnam’s new book he explores: When Did Poor Kids Stop Being ‘Our Kids’?

  Editor’s Note: In Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, Robert D. Putnam, a Harvard University public policy professor  explains how growing class differences are have given rise to dramatically unequal opportunities for our nation’s youth. Putnam describes how, in his hometown, families from different economic circumstances attended the same schools, played on the same teams, and provided a […]