
Research highlights approaches that will be most successful for program leaders looking to build trust with youth

Griffith, A. N., Johnson, H. E. (2018). Building trust: Reflections of adults working with high-school-age youth in project-based programs. Children and Youth Services Review. Summarized by Karina DeAndrade Notes of Interest: This study aimed to assess how leaders in quality youth programs worked to build trust with high school aged youth. This work was […]

These tools help coach college youth aged out of foster care to develop relationships

By Yvonne Unrau, Youth Today What does it take to engage students who age out of foster care into supportive relationships on the college campus? It helps to understand that relationships formed with supportive adults, such as caseworkers, foster parents, guardians ad litem and other professionals, while in foster care can change frequently for youth, […]

MENTOR releases new report entitled “The Power of Relationships”

Written by Justin Preston MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership has just released its latest report, “The Power of Relationships: How and Why American Adults Step Up to Mentor the Nation’s Youth”. The report is considered to be “the most comprehensive picture of what adults think about mentoring kids who are not their own” according to […]

Transference: A rarely acknowledged dimension of youth mentoring relationships - Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

Therapists’ personal lives affect their helping relationships: Implications for mentoring

summarized by UMB doctoral student in clinical psychology Laura Yoviene Nissen-Lie, H., Havik, O., Hoglend, P., Monsen, J., & Ronnestad, M. (2017). The contribution of the quality of therapists’ personal lives to the development of the working alliance. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60 (4), 483-495. Problem: Much research has pointed to the individual therapist as […]

Study shows most teenage friendships doomed to fail: But whose fault is that?

By Sam Carr, Lecturer in Education, University of Bath The psychiatrist Harry Sullivan believed that nothing is a more significant determinant of psychological well-being than the nature of our closest social bonds. In adolescence, research has consistently linked the quality of friendships to important outcomes such as emotional health, self esteem, the ability to overcome social […]

Why a little loneliness can be protective

“Loneliness is something we all have, we can all fall into, and nearly all of us experience at some point in our lives,” says John Cacioppo. (Photo Credit: Phil Thomas/Flickr) University of Chicago Posted by U. Chicago on March 2, 2016 The power of loneliness, and its potential for both causing depression and keeping us safe […]

New video underscores importance of children’s relationships

From the Harvard Center for the Developing Child Science tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences—including children’s relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers—interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain. Disruptions in this developmental process can impair a child’s capacities for […]

Why relationships matter

 In “The Heart Grows Smarter,”  David Brooks discussed the importance of caring relationships, and cited the classic work of George Vaillant who followed a cohort of Harvard men for many years. As Brooks notes, “It’s not that the men who flourished had perfect childhoods. Rather, as Vaillant puts it, “What goes right is more important […]

Rejection sensitivity in adolescent girls: How it affects relationships

  Purdie, V., & Downey, G. (2000). Rejection sensitivity and adolescent girls’ vulnerability to relationship-centered difficulties. Child Maltreatment, 5 (4), 338-349. Introduction: Many difficulties experienced by adolescent girls are relationship centered. Some involve struggles with teachers. More often, they revolve around romantic relationships and may range from jealousy and other interpersonal struggles to dating violence […]