
Top 10 features of healthy mentoring organizations

Editor’s Note: We are thrilled to provide you with this report, written by mentoring expert Dr. Carla Herrera, aimed at providing funders with guidance in determining which mentoring programs to support.   Through a series of posts, we present, “Making the Most of Youth Mentoring: A Guide for Funders” (Original Publisher(s): Public/Private Ventures. This work […]

K-12 Corner: "You can't give what you ain't got" - Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

School-based mentoring: You can’t give what you ain’t got

post by Michael Karcher Recently I was talking with some mentors and program coordinators in Rochester, NY. We talked about school-based mentors who volunteer to enter the schools to work with youth. That lead to a discussion of natural mentors–remember them? that’s the way we mentored youth for the last 2000 years (but I digress). […]