
POLL: Vote on your favorite advice for new mentors

At the beginning of February we posted a forum topic on the best piece of advice for new mentors. This wound up being our most commented on, and shared, post on the Chronicle to date! Thank you to the many individuals who contributed ideas as to what was most important for a mentor to remember […]

How can we prepare mentors to work with children in poverty? Leaders weigh in!

 Now on podcast by Michael Garringer One of the biggest challenges for the mentoring field is the often large gap in socio-economic status between those who are volunteering to mentor and those receiving services. Research has shown that mentors in America tend to be more highly educated and employed (this 2005 MENTOR study highlighted that […]

Mentors’ Corner: How do I handle it if my mentee doesn’t talk much to me . . . or at all?

Editors Note: From their new book Mentor’s Field Guide, Gail Manza and Susan Patrick present a series of 67 answers to the most common questions that arise in youth mentoring.  Question 24. How do I handle it if my mentee doesn’t talk much to me . . . or at all?  Not all young people are […]


FORUM: What’s the single best piece of advice for a new mentor you’ve ever heard?

  Obviously, preparing brand new mentors for their role is one of the most important aspects of building great relationships and, ultimately, achieving program outcomes. Drs. Janis Kupersmidt and Jean Rhodes are in the process of evaluating their promising, new evidence-based training, which many programs have already praised for it’s clarity.  But other trainings are […]

Mentors’ Corner: Should we e-mail, text, tweet, or “friend” each other?

Editors Note: In this column Gail Manza and Susan Patrick draw from their new book Mentor’s Field Guide, which is framed as a series of 67 answers to the most common questions that arise in youth mentoring.  Question 25. Will talking about my own life or beliefs help my mentee open up to me? If so, […]

Mentors’ Corner: How much should a mentor disclose?

Editors Note:  In this  feature Gail Manza and Susan Patrick draw from their new book Mentor’s Field Guide, which is framed as a series of 67 answers to the most common questions that arise in youth mentoring. We hope that you will share these links with the mentors in your program.  Question 25. Will talking about […]

Program Corner: Enhancing Your Ability to Train Mentors through Technology

  In this post, I have asked Butch Schuck and Amy Steinhilber to comment on how technology has enhanced mentor training in the National Guard Youth Challenge Program (  Butch Schuck serves as the Deputy Program Director for the National Challenge Institute – the training arm for the Youth Challenge program.  Amy Steinhilber is the […]

Practice Corner - Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

Practice Corner

As CEO of an organization working to fuel the movement of quality mentoring in Massachusetts, our team comes across mentoring programs implementing new and innovative ways to strengthen mentoring relationships and their program all the time. These efforts are critical in ensuring that mentoring doesn’t just look and feel good but produces measurable outcomes on […]

Connect to Mentoring Resource - Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

Connect to Mentoring Resource

Looking for mentoring resources and training? Contact your State Mentoring Partnership. State Partnerships are at the core of mentoring’s infrastructure is a growing network of Mentoring Partnerships that MENTOR has helped to build and support. Mentoring Partnerships serve a unique role as a clearinghouse for information and resources, providing the critical link between MENTOR’s national efforts […]