
New research highlights how relationships support young people

Summarized by UMass Boston doctoral student Stella Kanchewa, M.A. Guay, F., Ratelle, C., Larose, S., Vallerand, R.J., & Vitaro, F. (2013). The number of autonomy-supportive relationships: Are more relationships better for motivation, perceived competence, and achievement? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 375-382. Introduction: Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that students are “…inherently self-motivated to master their environment. […]

New study shows important pathway to mentor commitment

Gettings, P.E. & Wilson, S.R. (2014). Examining commitment and relational maintenance in formal youth mentoring relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1-27, DOI: 10.1177/0265407514522145. summarized by Stella Kanchewa, M.A., UMass Boston doctoral student.   Background: Previous studies (e.g., Grossman et al. 2012; Grossman & Rhodes, 2002) have established the formation of an enduring relationship […]

FORUM: Should we be devoting more time and resources to “natural” mentoring?

There has been a lot of research in recent years examining the role that “natural” mentors play in supporting children and adolescents, highlighting the ways in which these supportive adults help youth develop identity, succeed in school, overcome racism and other substantial challenges, and learn to ask for help throughout their lives. Researchers such as […]

Social and Identity Development in After-school Programs

Jones, J.N., & Deutsch, N.L. (2013). Social and identity development in an after-school program: Changing experiences and shifting adolescent needs. Journal of Early Adolescence, 33(1), 17-43. Introduction: Experiences afforded through a theprograms, activities and social interactions in after-school settings provide a context for positive social and identity development. This is particularly true for youth with […]

The test of time in school-based mentoring: Role of duration and re-matching on academic outcomes

Grossman, J.B., Chan, C.S., Schwartz, S.E.O. & Rhodes, J.E. (2012). The test of time in school-based mentoring: The role of relationship duration and re-matching on academic outcomes. American Journal of Community Psycholog, 49, 43-53 summarized by Stella Kanchewa, M.A., UMass Boston clinical psychology doctoral student Problem: Youth mentoring programs face the challenge of creating matches that […]

Practice Corner: Using Research to show Community Impact of Mentoring

By Marty Martinez As National Mentoring Month draws to a close it is important to continue our efforts to raise awareness and give voice to the impact and outcomes that youth mentoring can have in our communities. As practitioners in the field, many program leaders and staff use National Mentoring Month as a means to […]

Evaluation shows promising findings for BBBS of Canada

from the Centre for Addiction  and Mental Health Youth mentoring linked to many positive effects in children, new CAMH and Big Brothers Big Sisters research shows January 15, 2013 –The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada (BBBSC) are releasing the first results of one of the largest mentoring […]