
The effectiveness of a self-determination coaching model for promoting post-secondary success among college students with foster care backgrounds

Blakeslee, J., Miller, R., & Uretsky, M. (2022). Efficacy of the Project Futures self-determination coaching model for college students with foster care backgrounds and mental health challenges. Children and Youth Services Review, 138, 106507. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  Evidence shows that young people from foster care backgrounds are less likely to attend or […]

Children’s Bureau Advises Agencies to Provide Supportive Care for LGBTQ Youth

Reprinted from the Annie E. Casey Foundation The U.S. Children’s Bureau affirmed its sup­port for LGBTQ and gen­der non­con­form­ing chil­dren and youth, espe­cial­ly those in fos­ter care, in a March 2022 infor­ma­tion mem­o­ran­dum to the nation’s child wel­fare agencies. The Children’s Bureau advis­es state, trib­al and ter­ri­to­r­i­al agen­cies receiv­ing fed­er­al funds to ensure that their […]

Support can support the mental health of young people with a history of out-of-home care.

Evans, R., Katz, C. C., Fulginiti, A., & Taussig, H. (2022). Sources and types of social supports and their association with mental health symptoms and life satisfaction among young adults with a history of out-of-home care. Children, 9(4), 520. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest: Young adults with a history of out-of-home care […]

Helping Young People After Natural Disasters: There’s a Tool Kit (or Two) for That

Reprinted from the Annie E. Casey Foundation How can child-serving systems react to natural disasters in meaningful and effective ways? What actions can child welfare and juvenile justice practitioners take to help young people heal? The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Disaster Relief and Response Team has contemplated these very questions over the years. In 2019, this […]

Fostering Healthy Futures for Teens: Permanency outcomes of a mentoring intervention for teens with child welfare involvement

Taussig, H.N., Bender, K., Bennett, R., Combs, K.M., Fireman, O., Wertheimer, R. (2019). Mentoring for Teens with Child Welfare Involvement: Permanency Outcomes from a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Fostering Healthy Futures for Teens Program. Child Welfare 97(5), 1-24. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  With more and more children entering their teenage years, there is a […]

Five important takeaways from a new meta-analysis

Poon, C. Y. S., Christensen, K. M., & Rhodes, J. E. (2021). A Meta-analysis of the Effects of Mentoring on Youth in Foster Care. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. By Jean Rhodes, Cyanea Poon, and Kirsten Christensen Introduction  Research suggests that mentoring programs may promote a range of positive outcomes in youth populations. Less is known, […]

Transition to adulthood for youth leaving care can be made smoother, safer

By Lisa Schelbe, Youth Today Avid cyclists understand if anyone spends enough time riding a bicycle, they will crash at some point. Crashes are more likely for someone who is learning to ride. Hopefully, it is not a dramatic flip over the handlebars in the midst of a crowded street after a car smashes into […]