
Mentoring. Youth mentoring.

What Poverty Does to the Young Brain

BY MADELINE OSTRANDER For a growing child, deprivation and stress can become a kind of neurotoxin. The brain’s foundation, frame, and walls are built in the womb. As an embryo grows into a fetus, some of its dividing cells turn into neurons, arranging themselves into layers and forming the first synapses, the organ’s electrical wiring. […]

The science of giving: Brain imaging study may help programs in fundraising efforts

Posted by Rod Pyle-Caltech on August 3, 2015   Are human beings intrinsically selfish? Or are we only selfish when we take time to realize we can get away with it? And what about willpower? How does it play a role in altruism—in other words, do we need to exercise self-control to be generous? Scientists say […]

Why a little loneliness can be protective

“Loneliness is something we all have, we can all fall into, and nearly all of us experience at some point in our lives,” says John Cacioppo. (Photo Credit: Phil Thomas/Flickr) University of Chicago Posted by U. Chicago on March 2, 2016 The power of loneliness, and its potential for both causing depression and keeping us safe […]