
New study explores the mentoring in youth transitioning out of foster care

Munson, M.R., Brown, S., Spencer, R., Edguer, M., & Tracy, E. (2015). Supportive relationships among former system youth with mental health challenges. Journal of Adolescent Research, 30(4), 501-529. Background “Former system youth,” or young adults transitioning out of foster care, mental health, child welfare, and juvenile systems, experience poorer documented outcomes in domains of education, […]

New study suggests that prison cycle is tough to break for teens

Posted by Jared Wadley-Michigan  Jailed teens whose parents have a history of incarceration are unlikely to be successful without outside intervention. For a new study published in the Journal of Poverty, researchers examined the extent to which various risk factors experienced by youths in eight juvenile and adult correctional facilities in Michigan are related to […]

LGBT Youth Who Come Out In School Have Better Self-Esteem, Finds Study

A new study examines a link between mental health and coming out early. by madeline roth 2/10/2015 While it’s easy to dismiss the at times naïve idea that “it gets better” for all LGBT youth as they grow up, a new study seems to show that yes, it actually does. The study — published in […]

The Long-Term Economic Benefits of Natural Mentoring Relationships for Youth

 Timpe, Z. & Lunkenheimer, E. (2015) American Journal of Community Psychology. Sep2015, Vol. 56 Issue 1/2, p12-24. 13p. 3 Charts. DOI: 10.1007/s10464-015-9735-x from the abstract: Natural mentors have been shown to help improve psychological and educational outcomes of youth, and may serve an important role for youth experiencing risk in the home. Using data from […]

New Study Suggests Adolescent Friendships Linked to Adult Health

Tom Jacobs, Pacific Standard For most people, adolescence is a period of life marked by intense friendships, as well as a strong bias toward conformity. Fitting in with our peers is an urgent need, and we’re generally willing to damp down our individuality in order to do so. Newly published research suggests there is a […]

Promising pilot test of the Healthy “Little” Lives Big Sisters Mentors Project

MICHELLE R. KAUFMAN, PhD Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Kaufman, Michelle R.(2010) ‘Testing of the Healthy “Little” Lives Project: A Training Program for Big Sister Mentors’, American Journal of Sexuality Education, 5: 4, 305 — 327 American Journal of Sexuality Education Abstract:  Big Brothers/Big Sisters (BBBS) is a national program aimed at providing mentors for […]

Talk about problems? Boys say why bother.

U. MISSOURI (US) — Boys avoid discussing problems not because of some sense of embarrassment, but because they believe that doing so is a waste of time, according to a new study. “For years, popular psychologists have insisted that boys and men would like to talk about their problems but are held back by fears […]

Nonprofit seeks to end violence by mentoring youth

by Maria Sestito The (Jacksonville) Daily News Published: Monday, August 17, 2015 at 12:30 a.m. S.O.U.L. (Support, Opportunity, Unity, Leadership) Society kicked off its first few weeks as a nonprofit by holding a peace festival. The My Brother’s Keeper Peace Festival, held July 25, was an effort by organizers to begin a dialogue about violence, […]

Two Days Later: Adolescents’ Conflicts With Family Spill Over to School, Vice Versa

Summarized from Child Development, Family Conflict, Mood, and Adolescents’ Daily School Problems: Moderating Roles of Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms by Timmons, AC, and Margolin, G (University of Southern California). Copyright 2014 The Society for Research in Child Development, Inc. All rights reserved. The lives of adolescents at home and at school may seem quite separate, […]

Teaching Social Skills to Improve Grades and Lives

FIXES By DAVID BORNSTEIN JULY 24, 2015  In the early 1990s, about 50 kindergarten teachers were asked to rate the social and communication skills of 753 children in their classrooms. It was part of the Fast Track Project, an intervention and study administered in Durham, N.C., Nashville, Seattle and central Pennsylvania. The goals were to […]