Content for Non-Profits & Policy-Makers

All content relevant for youth mentoring practitioners, youth-serving program staff, and people who are interested in mentoring-related policy.

Adoption Mentoring program connects undergraduate mentors and adopted kids

From UMass Amherst news office “This program has helped me feel less alone as an adopted person. I don’t feel like the only one on campus who is adopted.” That’s the kind of impact that the Adoption Mentoring Partnership (AMP) can have for the undergraduate students who serve as mentors for adopted kids in Amherst […]

An in-depth look at youth initiated mentoring

Spencer, R., Schwartz, S. O., & Rhodes, J. E. (in press). “Somebody who was on my side”: A qualitative examination of youth initiated mentoring. Youth & Society. Introduction: Youth initiated mentoring (YIM) is a new approach to mentoring in which youth identify and recruit caring adults from within their existing communities. By using this innovative […]

No longer a drive-by mentor (or how Renee Spencer got me to slow my roll)

Three years ago, Renee Spencer and her colleagues at Boston University published a study exploring what parents think about their child’s mentor. I knew of the article but had not read it carefully. Two months ago, I heard Dr. Spencer talk about this study and had a chance to discuss her findings with other researchers and […]

Program Corner: The Power of Engaging Local Churches in Mentoring

Dave Van Patten (Program Editor): I have known Peter Vanacore for 30 years.  We both worked together in Long Island Youth Guidance, a faith-based mentoring program serving juvenile offenders.  In the early 80’s, nearly 100 churches formed five coalitions that underwrote the costs of running an intensive one-on-one mentoring program in each of their respective towns.  […]

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FORUM: Preparing mentees for their next mentors

There is widespread agreement that having mentors throughout our lives is a healthy and beneficial thing, providing us with the guidance, role modeling, and connections we need to successfully navigate life’s sometimes choppy waters. But to what degree do our youth mentoring programs prepare youth for having a lifetime full of mentors? Programs obviously put […]

New research (and a story) about teachers

Sometimes a simple anecdote can illustrate a point far better than mounds of research.  It was written by Jerome Groopman, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Chief of Experimental Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, one of the world’s leading researchers in cancer and AIDS, and a public intellectual. In this excerpt, […]

FORUM: How do you assess the level of “risk” in your mentees?

During last week’s webinar on the recent Role of Risk study, there was an excellent discussion about how to define “risk” in a young person’s life and how those factors might influence their mentoring relationship and even a program’s design and delivery. All young people face some level of risk or deal with a few […]

What is Your Evidence-Based Mentoring IQ?

by David DuBois   With the ever-growing volume of research on youth mentoring (Blakeslee & Keller, 2012), it is a formidable task for even the most evidence-minded practitioner, policy-maker, or funder to keep up with the latest findings. Resources and events such as this website, the Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring at Portland State University, […]

Video games: An Interesting New Outlet for Mentoring

Games for the 50+: A New Outlet for Mentoring May 13, 2013 by Bob Stephen (posted in AARP) Wizard 101 by Kingsisle helps older players mentor younger ones. Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about the gaming study by Dr. Jennifer Jacobs Henderson, associate professor and department chair, and Dr. Aaron Delwiche, associate professor, of the Department […]

Male Executives Are Afraid To Mentor Young Women, And It’s Holding Them Back

Editors Note: Although this story is about women in the workforce, it has significant implications for the young adults who will be entering the work force in the coming years and, more generally, the role of natural mentors in the lives of our nation’s young women.  Kate Ashford, LearnVest | May 2, 2013, 3:44 PM […]