Content for Mentors

All content relevant for adult mentors who are looking to better serve their mentees.

Can giving advice to others be more motivating than receiving advice? Recent study suggests yes.

Eskreis-Winkler, L., Fishbach, A., & Duckworth, A. L. (2018). Dear Abby: Should I give advice or receive it? Psychological Science, 29(11), 1797-1806. Summarized by Megyn Jasman Notes of Interest:  Although receiving advice may be beneficial in some scenarios, it does not always produce the desired outcome, and sometimes may actually be damaging. This study […]

Using mentorships to promote agency and a sense of belonging among asylum seekers

Amitay, G. (2022). From helpless rage to loving resistance: Resistance to othering and practices of agency in mentoring children of asylum seekers in Israel. Child & Youth Care Forum, 51(4), 705–727. Summarized by Ariel Ervin Notes of Interest:  More than 30,000 African refugees and asylum seekers (AS) live in Israel. AS in Israel endure restrictive […]

Fives Strategies to Help Children Grow in the Wake of a Crisis

By Anya Kamenetz (excerpted from New York Times) During the pandemic, young people — especially, but not only, the most vulnerable — have experienced massive disruption. More than 200,000 American children, and counting, lost at least one parent to Covid. Young people in foster care, as well as those in juvenile detention centers, sometimes went an […]

Resources for helping youth navigate mental health issues

A Mental Health Crisis Among Our Youth Mental health issues among children and teens in the United States are on the rise. Learn more about this worrisome trend from various angles. The Toll of Covid-19: During the pandemic, the number of children and adolescents needing urgent mental health care spiked. Rise in Suicide Among Black Youth: A recent study uncovered a sharp […]

Creating safe spaces for youth boys of color through mentoring relationships

Sánchez, B., Pinkston, K. D., Cooper, A. C., Luna, C., & Wyatt, S. T. (2018). One falls, we all fall: How boys of color develop close peer mentoring relationships. Applied Developmental Science, 22(1), 14–28. Summarized by Maggie Bayly Notes of Interest Mentoring relationship quality – more specifically, relationship closeness – is linked to positive […]

Three research-based recommendations for improving youth and mentors’ engagement in programs

by Jean Rhodes Youth can’t benefit from mentoring programs they (or their mentors) don’t attend, and poor attendance is a common problem in many programs. One factor that may discourage attendance is the threat of violence and crime. In this important new study, researchers studied this issue and make valuable suggestions for how to increase […]

It’s election season: Should mentors talk politics with their mentees?

Linus: “There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.” Do you think it is appropriate for mentors and mentees to discuss politics? With recent conventions and the open tensions of a particularly acrimonious U.S. election, politics are everywhere. How should a mentor approach conversations about politics […]

Meeting youth where they are: Why social-emotional skills and cultural responsive mentoring is critical for college and career readiness

 Joana Ortiz, Manager of Marketing and Communications, Mass Mentoring Partnership July 25th, 2018 Posted In: Campaigns, Education, Mentoring Partnership I knew something was off when I couldn’t focus in my courses, the weight of my head was too much to bear, and getting out of bed was increasingly difficult as the days passed. I couldn’t articulate this at […]

Five skills for navigating the transition to adulthood

by Jean Rhodes I’m sometimes alarmed that so many of my undergraduates seem adrift and unclear about their futures. I find myself wondering how they can bring themselves to pay tuition, go to class, study for tests, and go about their daily lives without a detailed, ambitious plan for their future careers. But, I’ve come to realize that […]

What is emotion regulation and how can mentors help?

  by  Ben-Eliyahu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Haifa Long ago, psychologists recognized the important role that emotions can play in shaping the quality of our relationships and, more generally, our life courses. Emotions spark the bond between parents and their newborns; they attract romantic partners and they draw us to certain activities and deter […]