Program Evaluation

Results of a wide range of mentoring and youth development program evaluations are presented in these articles.

Mature teacher playing piano and rehearsing song with children while they standing with notes around her in music class

Breaking Barriers with MOSSAIC: Empowering Autism Inclusion on Campus through Mentorship and Support

Locke, J., Osuna, A., Myrvold, R. J., & Closson, J. S. (2023).…

New study assesses the longitudinal impacts of mentor role on youth outcomes

Samuels, J., Davis, A. L., & McQuillin, S. D. (2023).…

Guide Helps Organizations Engage Youth in Program Evaluation

By and reprinted from the Annie E. Casey Foundation Youth…

New study shows how enhanced mentoring practices affect children of incarcerated parents.

Stelter, R. L., Stump, K. N., Rhodes, J. E., & Kupersmidt,…

New exploratory study evaluates a youth mentoring program partnership

Silke, C., & Brady, B. (2022). Youth mentoring as a supportive…

How funders can help build evaluation capacity in a non-profit

Castillo, I. (2017, September 19). Building evaluation capacity…